淘宝店铺购买交易平台_便宜网站制作公司_怎样注册企业邮箱免费_网络营销推广的平台 Abstract

Psychological counselor reservation website is a software application designed to optimize the booking and management of mental health services, which integrates online consultation, online reservation, cancellation of reservation, service evaluation, communication forum, psychological knowledge and other functions. Through real-time data synchronization and intelligent analysis, the platform helps psychological counselors and help seekers to efficiently complete appointments, while providing convenient inquiry and online consultation services to enhance user experience. The psychological counselor appointment website supports multi-terminal access, data security protection and other features to adapt to the diversified needs of modern mental health services. The appointment website of psychological counselors is an indispensable tool for modern mental health services, which improves service quality and management efficiency through information means, and provides strong support for the promotion and popularization of mental health.

In this study, we designed and realized the website of appointment of psychological counselors by combining the administrator's immediate release of appointment information of psychological counselors with the needs of users. The system uses B/S architecture, java language as the main development language, MySQL technology to create and manage the database. The system is mainly divided into three functional modules: administrator, user and psychological counselor. Through the system, the administrator can use the daily browser to complete the release of psychological consultant appointment information at any time, which meets the timeliness requirements of psychological consultant appointment management and improves work efficiency. According to the test results of each functional module, we can see that the function of the psychological consultant appointment website is basically perfect.

Key words: java language; Psychologist appointment; B/S structure; MySQL

目  录

第一章 绪  论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 系统研究现状

1.3 研究意义

1.4 研究内容

第二章 开发工具和开发技术


2.2 开发技术

2.2.1 Java语言

2.2.2 Spring Boot框架

2.2.3 B/S架构

2.2.4 VUE框架


第三章 需求分析

3.1 需求描述

3.2 系统可行性分析


3.2.2 经济可行性分析

3.2.3 环境运行可行性分析

3.2.4 法律可行性分析

3.3 系统功能需求分析

3.4 非功能性需求分析


3.6 本章小结

第四章 系统设计

4.1 系统总体设计

4.2 数据库设计

4.2.1 数据库逻辑设计

4.2.2 数据库表设计

4.3 本章小结

第5章 系统实现

5.1 前台模块实现

5.2 后台模块实现



5.3 本章小结

第六章 系统测试

6.1 测试目的

6.2 测试用例

6.3 本章小结

结  论


致  谢






[1] 李兴华. JavaWeb开发实战经典基础篇(第1版)[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2010.8

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